Sunday, November 13, 2011

a case of missing

because I miss writing. I'm trying. Really really. But the words just keep welling and swelling and I don't quite know yet how to help them out. I feel I've got to wait a little longer. A little more mulling. A little more walking, seeing, feeling, breathing, sighing, laughing, and crying.

So maybe some snippets will do for now because I feel the need to get something out, even if they're slightly old ponderings/thoughts/jots. And I write them here, as opposed to my "writing blog," because I feel this space has become empty with my infrequent writing. None of these words are particularly profound. Just ideas and words that perhaps I'll come back to one day and craft into something more. But for now, they are what they are.

If you miss yourself it's either because you've gone too far or haven't come far enough. You haven't arrived at yourself. you're out of synch. Out of tune. Out. Out and out.

if I had rocks in my shoes
my heavy boots
I could walk to the bottom of the ocean
my chest would explode
but I wouldn't mind
because maybe I'd feel right at home

a bed half covered in books.
where is one to sleep?

How does one remember to always remember to remember and remember?
Remember the "bigger picture."

when we meet at Jesus' feet
pilgrims on their knees
knees worn

you endure
go and go
and go and
go and go

to the end.

so tired
you kneel in a heap


it takes all you have to raise your head
from your prostrate position


yes, you made it

come into my rest.

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