Saturday, November 22, 2008

catching up: football with mags

Mags and I went to the BYU vs. SDSU game. I'm not the greatest football fan in the world, but I do enjoy spending time with a good friend. Plus the weather was simply fantastic. We didn't sit in the snow like we did last year, so just that fact made it that much better. We had fun riding our bikes to and from the game.

We also had the lovely luck of being stalked by a binocular-bearing fan who sat totally opposite us in the stadium. Mags received a text stating: "I know where you are." She replied: "What am I wearing?" The response which came astounded us and had us looking every which way to try to find this creeper (ok, he's really not a creeper, just one of Mags' friends). We didn't think he had binoculars and then we realized he must because he texted back: "You're wearing a BYU t-shirt with a long sleeve white shirt underneath. You're friend is wearing some weird black thing on her head. Immediately to your left is a fat guy in gray."

He was exactly right. He had us laughing for a good five minutes. We were much more self-conscious and ceased picking our noses for fear we'd be seen by BinoculoRex.

So why the "weird" black thing on my head? To protect my fair skin.

Maрджи моя любимая!

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