Monday, November 10, 2008

your darkest fear: c'est moi

This is NOT me on drugs. This is me after a day of teaching. I promise it really is. But I guess I ought to inform you this picture was taken after all the Halloween festivities of the day. I did some really awkward makeup jazz (which you can't see very well in this b & w photo, but oh well) and did my hair up in almost ten top-knots; I took out those knots and my hair was huge. I know you're thinking, um, Lyn, your hair is already huge. But I'm telling you, think large, large mane of hair. That's my hair Halloween night.


Anonymous said...

I totally know how you feel now that I've taught. Wow. It's intense.

Rachel Leslie said...

I love the mane look.

Amy said...

You do look kind of scary, its like an angry model picture.