Thursday, June 11, 2009

florence's cinderella

le 1 juin (parce que je suis en France maintenant)...

We walk back to the hotel from dinner. Rain has fallen all day. The bike lane sits to our left with a one-way lane for autos to its left. We have only a block or two more before we reach the hotel. A mother rides by, passing us, on her bicycle. A baby faces her in a seat behind the handlebars, and a young girl sits behind the mother's seat.

The girl riding caboose loses her purple shoe to a shallow puddle. Mama, Mama, she exclaims. They both look around but they've already travelled 15 yards away from the fallen shoe. The mom's cumbersome load inhibits her from quickly turning around to rescue the lost shoe.

I scoop up the shoe and run it up to the cute little girl. The mother thanks me profusely, Gratzi, gratzi. I reply, Preggo.

The happiest moment of my day. Grateful I am.

1 comment:

lizpletsch said...

I love this story. I can just picture you restoring the lovely little girl with her purple shoe. I bet it was her favorite pair of shoes.