Wednesday, February 3, 2010

it's february

third already. I have three minutes to write before going to get my hair trimmed. I ran with Marmee this morning. Didn't see any deer friends. Ate two grapefruit (do I pluralize with an s or not? I'm not sure...) and some scrambled eggs for breakfast. Yum. Did some reading and a little cleaning. Today we're going to the temple with our padres and Sierra. She got here late Monday night and we spent most of yesterday with her and Eli. Arlette, Samuel, and baby Sarah arrive today. We're pretty much done with all the planning. We have a little grocery shopping to do and a few other things to accomplish, but we're almost there.

Less than three days!

Huzzah! does not even begin to capture how happy and excited I am, but, "Huzzah!"

Happy Wednesday!


Deanna said...

SO excited for you! Stephanie told me last night she's coming to represent our family at your she's supposed to give you a BIG hug from me. :)

Rachel Leslie said...

ohhhhweeee!!!! I'm so excited for you good lookins to get hitched.

Joe and Renee Williams said...

I can't believe I couldn't make it to your reception, I was so bummed! I was totally planning on going, but my little brother is getting married next week and he had to have his dinner the same night as your reception, I am sure it was beautiful! Congratulations!