Isn't that just pure excitement (the fact that it's my last day here for awhile)? Today's also my last day of school for the year. When I get back, I'll only have 19 days left at school. And then one week before the "big day." And then a happy happy day! Time just keeps zooming by.
I have much on my mind but nothing's really lending itself to coming out in word-form at the moment.
And so I share a picture and a poem. I took this picture about one year ago. I had a fine time then traipsing around Edgemont to deliver goodness and take pictures. I won't be doing that this year because I leave tomorrow for Jerusalem and someone ever so lovely. But it is nice to look back to what I was doing a year ago. I sure do love my solo walks (and runs and hikes...).
And now the poem, by Rudyard Kipling:
You mustn't swim till you're six weeks old,
Or your head will be sunk by your heels;
And summer gales and Killer Whales
Are bad for baby seals.
Are bad for baby seals, dear rat,
As bad as bad can be.
But splash and grow strong,
And you can't be wrong,
Child of the Open Sea!
Merriest of Christmases!
See you next year.
ps: a confession: I've watched the Babies trailer (posted below) upwards of ten times. People might make fun of me. Actually, people do make fun of me. Certain people make fun of me because I'm so enamoured with it, but I'll hold my head high. I can't change the fact that those babies are so stinkin' cute, and that it makes me smile and more than happy. The end.