Friday, November 13, 2009

happy friday

It's Friday, huzzah!

My Friday's off to a good start. I read a couple talks and got to talk with my dearest love for a little bit.

One of the talks I read is "The Abundant Life" by Elder Wirthlin. It's one of my favorites and I love rereading it. Two passages in particular stood out to me today:

"We are sons and daughters of an immortal, loving, and all-powerful Father in Heaven. We are created as much from the dust of eternity as we are from the dust of the earth. Every one of us has potential we can scarcely imagine."

"The abundant life isn’t something we arrive at. Rather, it is a magnificent journey that began long, long ages ago and will never, never end."

I'm grateful for the calming power of words. I guess I'm one who feels the Spirit through words more than through other ways. Not always, of course. Some words, though, get me every time.

Yesterday I enjoyed a most splendid trail run with Lisa. It feels so good to push through the pain steep inclines induce. I feel I'm still riding a sort of high even though I finished running 12 hours ago. Isn't it lovely?

Well, I'm off to school. Only eight school days till Thanksgiving break. So grand.

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