My tongue and Nate's leg.
Simply put, this was a much needed day for my soul. There's something magical and powerful about red rock. My eyes behold glory as I admire the twists and turns and ripples in the rock. I soaked up the sun as the temperature rose to a rosy 62 degrees. I started the day with my fleece, thermals, and hat on, but soon warmed up to feeling comfortable to just my tee on top. Sigh, a foretaste of summer's plentiful warmth. I really am a child of summer. I'm grateful to have such good friends who have good friends. Beforehand, I only knew two of the seven people I went down with, but had a splendid day with all. I could write more, but I must away to finish preparing for Parent Teacher Conference. Yippee, I'll be here for just under four more hours! Good thing I went swimming this morning to get all my squirmy worms out (hopefully they're really all gone!); I'm not very good at sitting in one place for more than 27 minutes.
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