Wednesday, February 25, 2009

loving this lyric

for some reason...

"You said that I'm the best swimmer you've seen
Give me a ring

from "Swimmer" by Kathryn Williams

no, not Catherine with a C, but that's completely another matter.

I love the ambiguity of "give me a ring." Who's saying give me a ring? The speaker or the lifeguard? And what sort of a ring is this? Is it a ring on the telephone, or a life-saving device, or even a ring of the band on the finger variety? I'm just exploring here. The next lines read (sing):

"You sat there up on your high chair
Give me a ring

Cause I can't swim to the edge

So it's probably a fat-tubed ring that floats, but the first couple times I heard this song, I thought it was a ring of the phone sort. But I'll continue to think of all the meanings when I listen to those lyrics.

Anyway, happy halfway through the week. It's Wednesday. And Nikki, don't think I'm overly dedicated. I couldn't make it out of bed this morning for a swim. My alarm sounded and I slumbered for another delicious half hour. It's not easy. Intentions are there, but they don't always become reality. Do what you can and be happy. (Not that I'm one to dole out advice...that's just what I feel.)

Yesterday I did make it on a gorgeous bike ride. I say gorgeous because the temperature peaked a little above sixty and that meant shorts for me. I love the freedom of shorts because I've been wearing tights on all bike rides since November!

Ok, I'm done, time to finish planning for today. Juniors. Personal essays. Using NPR's This I Believe series. Love it. Today we're listening to these essays by Tarak McLain and Tony Hawk. I'm excited to see what my students create with their writing.


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