Sunday, September 12, 2010

"not a true story"

I hope it's not plagiarism to do this. My sister wrote something on Rew's FB wall. I found it rather amusing and I hope she doesn't mind my slapping it on here with a good ole copy-and-paste maneuver.

"I thought you would like to hear this story about your wife. Actually, it was my dream, so it's not a true story. Once upon a time, I woke up in the early morning of October and was informed that my sister had had a baby. I got all excited and started asking when we would go see her. Then, you and her appeared and Analyn was all ready to go for a run, exactly three hours after she had given birth. Also, your baby was fluent in English and had teeth. I told him to say, "I'm a child prodigy," and he kept saying it over and over. Also, I asked why Analyn had given birth so early. You told me that it was because she was playing soccer and some of her bones got fractured, so they needed to get the baby out.

The End."

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