Thursday, March 19, 2009

ramen delight

Because I'm struggling to grade Gatsby papers. Because I'm not quite ready to shut these eyes. Because I'm in the mood to write. Because I dreamed in Russian the other night and woke up missing Simferopol so badly that I almost came to tears in the shower; I saw myself on certain street corners, at certain cookie stands, near certain flower peddlers. Because I wrote a few posts ago about this very delight and said that, perhaps, I'd elaborate later.

Ramen delight.

Well, that's my English name for this concoction first introduced to me by my last companion, my lovely Olichka. I don't remember what she called it--perhaps, mavina salat? Something like that. So how do you make it? Cook up some ramen. Make sure you break it up into little pieces before so doing. Cook it up like usual and drain all the water when it's done. Whilst doing this, boil some eggs. Let's say we're making this for one hungry Lyn. I'd use one pack of ramen and boil two eggs. This is really so easy and so not healthy. But it tastes just like the mission to me. So that's almost it. Slice up your boiled eggs and add them to your ramen. Add some corn (half a can or more, if desired), some mayo, and as much of the ramen seasoning as you like. And eat.

We would make up quite a big bowl for ourselves, eat it warm, and then have cold salad leftovers for later. I know it sounds like quite the strange dish, and I must admit I was slightly hesitant when first trying it, but I instantly liked it. Tislenko never cooked anything bad, though. Everything she made (and she cooked a lot for me) was so delicious.

Spasibichko sochnaya moya!
(The lovely Olya and I in Odessa.)

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