Saturday, March 7, 2009


went to gallery stroll last night with lovelies. saw my beautiful hunt relatives and aj at bowls for humanity and then we did some wandering around to the other little makeshift galleries. the plastic, soulless creations gracing the sidewalks' sides were just a bit creepy, but i wasn't too afrightened since they were all around our school at the beginning of the school year.

we also saw letters from iwo jima. it was a beautiful film and had me in tears throughout. i must admit to closing my eyes through all the fighting/bombing/crazy violence scenes. i cannot stomach or heart it at all. but overall, it was a great film and had me continuing my head-shake of confusion as to why war ever? the piano music in it was pretty grand too. well, happy saturday, time to get some stuff done. peace till later.

1 comment:

Rachel Leslie said...

sorry we missed you on friday. We had to go Saturday instead due to transportation confusion.