Monday, August 24, 2009

results, but no photos

14th out of women. (Out of 76.)
3rd in my age group. (Out of 16.)
65th out of everyone. (Out of 203.)

My transitions are pretty quick I must say. As for my bike, I need to improve there. I envy those who zoom by me wearing their speedy helmets and cruising on their tri bikes, but I'll make do with what I have. Running also could use a boost. My cramping upper legs didn't help out the first mile. But I'm still happy. I think I did alright.

I gave my dad my camera, but didn't really expect him to take any pictures because I'd much rather have him cheering me on. As soon as the fancy Zazoosh place puts up their pictures, I'll post a link, so we can have a gander.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Way to go, Analyn! That's great! :) I need to get some transition tips from you-- mine are truly sad to behold. Good luck at Yuba!!!